Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A note to my donors

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and for donating to my cause! The ASHA volunteers who designed the team web page are still in the process of setting up email alerts for the runners to know when they have received a donation. It should be up soon, but in the meantime please drop me a line to let me know when you have made a donation so I can watch out for your gift. Also, don't forget to look for your name on my donor wall of fame located at the tabs on the top!

I hope you will keep coming back to my blog to read about my progress...your wishes and encouragement mean SO much to me! I also encourage you to check out my friend and teammate's blog here. She has admirable grit when it comes to running!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks K2 for the advertisement!
    But admirable grit...not sure about that :(
